Guest FAQ's

Everything You Need To Know
How do I book?

It's easy, simply click the 'Book Your Stay' button in the top right hand corner of your screen, select the property you'd like to book.

Enter your desired dates and proceed to payment.

Once the booking has been confirmed you will receive an email from us outlining the check in details and info on your next steps.

What time is check in / out?

Check in is from 4pm.

Check out is from 10am.

Early check in and late check out options can be discussed subject to availability.

Fees may apply.

Is parking available?

Parking options differ depending on the property you are looking to book.

The vast majority of our properties will have free on-street parking as a minimum, however some require a permit which is provided, and for some parking may be a short walk away.

Some of our properties even come with private off street parking options.

Please refer to your pre-check in emails for property specific parking advice, or give us a call on 01270 385043 before you book.

How do I check in?

Once your booking has been confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email from us outlining the property address and other useful information.

24 hours before your scheduled check in date, you will receive an email from us outlining the location of the keys (usually a lockbox mounted to the front of the property) and a unique code specific to your booking which can be used to access the keys.

When does check in close?

While our phone lines close at 10pm, you are welcome to check in at any time you'd like after 4pm.

We will contact you on the day of check in if you are due to check in later than 10pm to ensure you have received your check in instructions and to answer any questions. Please note that post 10pm check ins will be without support, and are undertaken at the guests own risk.

Can I extend my stay?

The simple answer is yes. If you contact us during your stay and request an extension then we will always try to accommodate subject to availability.

If the property you are currently staying in has another booking then we can offer you alternative accommodation for your extended stay.

All extensions will be offered with a 10% discount for booking with us direct.

How to I use the facilities?

Each property comes with a unique house manual which details all the ins and outs of that particular property.

You will be able to read up on how to operate the heating, washing machine, dishwasher etc etc.

If you still need further guidance, all check in instruction emails contain video walkthrough links which will show you how to use different things within the property.

Should you still need assistance then please give us a call and we are happy to help.

Do you take deposits?

Yes, every guest who books one of our properties is required to authorise a deposit.

Our system will simply request approval from you to approve a pre-authorisation to be placed on your account for the duration of your stay. This will show as a pending transaction within your bank account.

Once you have checked out and our cleaning team have inspected the property, the pre-authorisation is simply cancelled and no physical funds are taken from your bank.

Is WiFi provided?

Yes, all properties are provided with fibre optic WiFi as standard.

The WiFi details can be found within your check in instruction email or within the house manual located within the property.

Do I need to provide any details up front?

All guests are required to complete our pre-check in form which requests proof of ID, address and a signiture to confirm you have read and understood our terms and conditions.

It is at this stage we also will place the pre-authorisation on your bank for the damage deposit.

All personal information is deleted from our system once you have checked out and never shared with third parties.

Is smoking allowed?

All of our properties are strictly non-smoking.

We do however provide ash trays and bins in the gardens of all of our properties should you wish to smoke outside.

All properties have highly sensitive smoke alarms fitted.

Is bedding provided?

All properties come with the following as standard:

Duvets / duvet covers

Pillows / pillow case covers

Fitted sheets

Hand towels

Bath towels

Kitchen towels

Bath mats

All of our bed linen is hotel grade and is provided by a third party where it is professionally washed at a very high temperature and then pressed for maximum quality.

Do you provide consumables?

All properties come with the following as standard:

Toilet roll




Hand soap

Air fresheners

Washing up liquid

Dishwasher tablets

Washing machine tablets


Cleaning clothes

Bin liners

Is free cancellation available?

Yes, all of our properties offer free cancellation up until 48 hours before check in.

This means you can book one of our properties with the security of knowing that if your plans change you will can get a refund.

What happens if I have an issue at the property?

If you have any issues or questions during your stay where you require our assistance then feel free to give us a call on the contact number provided or send us an email and a member of the team will be happy to help.

We do also have an emergency line which is provided within the check in instructions which you can call if you have an out of ours issue that requires immediate assistance.